Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kimekai MMA is a Family

Just a few words about Martial Arts and the experiences it allows you to have.

What is most special about Martial Arts as an activity, sport or way of life -is the challenges it presents you. Yes there is great physical effort asked of you when you kick, punch + grapple to the point of exhaustion. Yes it is the will of an evenly matched opponent that pushes you to the point past what you thought was possible. It is re-defining those points of physical effort.

When we challenge ourselves to re-define those marks of what is possible--the physical is just the vehicle that we ride along in. The journey is truly inside. It is a search for the inner strength. The Warrior inside us all that says,"Never Quit." It is so simple. Yet in today's social media keyboard connected world it is rare that we get to reach past what is comfortable. What "others" say we cannot do. What we ask of ourselves in the quiet moments.

This we never do alone in Martial Arts. This we do side by side with others. Those we sweat, bleed, cry + laugh with. That is what Martial Arts is. That is why we are a family.

1st always be respectful + kind to eachother. We fight together. Everyday.
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